“Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” — R. Kennedy

There are a lot of ways to contact me:

Residence Address:
Kecamatan Balik Bukit
Kota Liwa, Kabupaten Lampung Barat
Lampung, 34812 Indonesia

Email Address:
1. Yahoo Deutschland: contactme@mohammadreiza.com

Chat IDs:
1. Yahoo Messenger: mohammadreiza
2. Skype: mohammad_reiza

Social Media:
1. facebook: Reiza Mohammad

2. Instgram: Reiza Mohammad
3. Linked-in: Reiza Mohammad

4. Twitter: Reiza Mohammad
3. Xing Open BC: Mohammad Reiza

1. Reiza Online Arts Gallery

26 responses »

  1. cher reiza,
    salut ami.
    aduch reiza, kamu hebat banget yach.saya jadi minder nech.mudah2n reiza bisa lebih sukses lagi dech.cepat2 lulus biar bisa melebarkan sayap,ga hanya di cikarang tapi juga seluruh indonesia.
    bye for now.


  2. mmm…

    keren mampus.

    percaya g percaya, gw jadi trinspirasi oleh seorang M reiza.
    emang gimana caranya supaya bisa ‘involved’ di UN ?


  3. hello reiza. 🙂

    it has taken long time to write somthing for you.

    I am Ray you had met before in Korea.

    how is it goin your these days?
    I am really wondering about your recent life
    and missing you. 😉

    anyway, I am looking forward to contacting with you very soon.

    drop me a line through email written.

    take care

    -Ray from Korea


  4. Hi Ray,

    Thanks a lot for visiting my web blog and leaving a comment. I do appreciate it.

    I’m doing fine in Jakarta. I hope you are doing fine there in Seoul. How is it there nowadays? I am missing Seoul very much. plan to go back there again this coming winter.

    Hope that we can meet again there.

    You too, take care. 🙂




  5. hai, Reiza…

    salam kenal, i’m alfie from ur home town (Surabaya) correct?
    wow….excellent achievement !!!!
    how did u start ur step to be the way u r right now?

    for ur information aja, sich !!!
    i know u from ur couzin Sonia, is she really ur couzin?
    (atau cuma ngaku2 aja ya dia…he…he…)

    both of us sich, pingin banget exist and
    go international gitu, but we don’t know how and what should we do !!!

    speaking about PR, kita juga ambil PR Major lho tapi D2 sich!!!
    help us please, and good luck selalu dech for u.

    aufwidersehen deh, bye…


  6. SALUTE….
    1 kata buat Muhammad Reiza..

    Salam kenal,, saya baca web blog nya. Amaze gitu lihat tulisannya..bener2 memotivasi dan pengen ngikutin jejaknya. tapi gmana ya caranya???he(“,).

    Sukses ya…Chayoooo!!

    Best regards,


  7. salam perkenalan, saya itza dari Malaysia. saya seronok baca blog reiza yang ada infomation yang berguna sekali. At the same time u can share more information with me.


  8. Hi Reiza,

    How are you doing,..?
    i just Happened to be here, and i think i really need to leave a comment, 🙂

    i read that you have once worked at UNESCO ( IDK maybe you still are,..?)
    I am right now also Working at UNESCO as an Intern,
    and i really want to Continue my career here,

    do you have any advice,..?

    best regards,.


    • Hi there,

      Great to know that you are doing internship with UNESCO. Which office? I hope that you enjoy it. I am no longer with the organization but I always look forward to returning one day.

      Do your best and good luck!

      p.s. where did we meet again? sorry I forgot. thanks.


  9. hei…
    reza….ngeliat blogmu dan tulisanmu, lgsg berasa mimpiku dicopy…
    seneng bgt ngeliatnya…
    tapi kmu punya modal ya,,bahasa asingmu jago, banyak bahasa lagi…

    heem..jadi iri..

    bisa gak ya kayak aku ini yang pas2an inggrisnya, cuman bisa bahasa indonesia jadi seperti kamu???

    aku suka bgt ama kegiatan sosial dan kemanusiaan,,aku pgn terlibat langsung dg kegiatan seperti itu..
    tapi setiap mau ikut,,biasanya tuh syaratnya kudu pengalaman lah, kudu bisa apalah…
    yaela,,namanya juga masih 0 pengalaman mana bisa…
    klo gtu caranya gimana aku bisa punya2 pglmn juga..

    terus aku pikir klo ada banyak orang kayak aku, yang pgn terjun ke kegiatan charity tapi byk syarat,,
    nah loh…sayang bgt kan,,padahal kita2 ini bisa diberdayakan, kita masih muda (sok muda) dan modal kita adalah ketulusan hati dan keinginan besar untuk membantu sesama..

    modal itu kurang ya???

    semoga bertemu dg blog-mu ,,bisa kembali mnyulut mimpi2ku yang mulai padam

    reply ya,,ke emailku di aniii_wardani@yahoo.com ato wardaniani9@gmail.com


    • setiap orang punya banyak kekurangan dan kelebihan. aku juga. tapi kita bisa membuat kekurangan kita sebagai hal positif and kelebihan kita. tidak mudah, tapi kita bisa berlatih.

      banyak sekali organisasi atau perkumpulan yang membantu dan memberdayakan orang-orang seperti ani, tinggal rajin aja mencari informasi dan kenalan 🙂 nada es imposible. tidak ada yang tidak mungkin–masih ada yang tidak mungkin, tapi jangan terfokus ke situ. tidak perlu modal yang besar. banyak juga orang yang tidak memiliki modal, mereka memulai dari bawah. mereka memulai dari nol.

      semoga sekarang sudah berbeda dengan bulan juli tahun lalu–8 bulan yang lalu. gimana perkembangannya? 🙂


  10. hai Reiza, just a slight look your blog, and it’s awesome. The best one is when you write about your experience for doing internship in UNESCO. That’s really, what i’ve been dreaming of. Seriously, i need an advice how you can make it? How to make the perfect start to apply there? what it really takes to be accepted there? wow…. If i were you, i even cannot think or wish something better than that. Working for the UN is the goal of my entire life, but i still dont know if and how i can make it someday. So, i really really looking forward to contact you relate for this dream. Thanks a lot, Reiza.

    Best regards, for the best people from Surabaya.
    Deasy Maharani Putri
    18th yo, Surabaya, INA.


    • Hi Deasy,
      I’m happy to know about your dreams. UNESCO has changed so much since I first joined back in 2006. They always have new people every now and then. But you can always check with them in their website, send them email and ask about the internship opportunity. They must have something for you. You can also try to contact other UN agencies in Jakarta and find out what they have in terms of internship program.
      Wish you all the best!


  11. Hai Raiza
    السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللّهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
    Good to know ur succed, wants to be a new good friends of urs
    Hope I could do the same too
    Best of luck to u


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