“There is a certain way of being that is ‘my’ way. I am called upon to live my life in this way,

if I am not [true to myself], I miss the point of my life.” — Charles Taylor

Date & Place of birth

Surabaya (Indonesia), December 17


Graduate Degree (December 2015)
Asian Institute of Management, the Philippines

Stephen Zuellig Graduate School of Development Management
MDM in Development Studies

Graduate Degree (February 2012)
University of Indonesia, Indonesia
M.Sc. in American Studies (Cum Laude)

Undergraduate Degree (October 2008)
President University, Indonesia
B.Sc. in Communication Public Relations


· Establishing a foundation that supports sustainable community and civil society
· Working for an international organization or agency


Painting, traveling, writing, reading books, watching movies,
going to arts gallery and exhibitions, sport, cooking and fine dining

Culture, diplomacy, education, environment, ICT communication,
international relations, literature, music, politics, public relations, and youth


Javanese (native), Indonesian (native), English (excellent),
German (Good), French (presently learning), Arabic (presently learning)


Character: Credible, friendly, honest, open-minded
Personality traits: Dynamic, initiating, persistent, proactive
Work ethics: Fast, hard and smart working with high commitment, dedication and integrity

Skills and Competencies
· Computer literacy; Microsoft and Macintosh friendly
· Corporate newsletter, news reporting and report writing
· Design and desktop publishing
· Integrated marketing communications and advertising
· Media conference, monitoring, clipping and analysis
· Public speaking and presentation skills
· Events organization and programs management
· Networking, negotiation and lobbying
· Programs design and development
· Grants management and monitoring

Traveling Experiences
· Indonesia: 28 out of 34 provinces in Java, Bali, Lombok, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi
· Overseas: Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, China, Hong Kong, India, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Denmark, Italy, the United States of America

119 responses »

  1. Farida,

    Thank you for your comment. Well, I am doing what I think I can do best and good at. I am still young, but I know that I still have a long long way to go, so I need to do more and produce more everyday. I hope I could be a good figure for Cikarang youth.

    Need for more supports and helps.



    • Bissmillahirrohmanirrohiim,
      Coba menjelajahi Bintan Islands- Provinsi Kepulauan Riau Indonesia,

      Pulau kecil dengan pesona alam yang indah bisa di lihat di IG WonderfulKepri


  2. Rakhmat,

    Thank you for your personal supports and encouragements. I will follow your suggestions, with bless from Allah.

    I will link your weblog to mine, hope we can keep in touch always.

    U2, good luck and wish you all the best too.



  3. Rukia,

    Thanks for your comment. Still need your ideas. I visited also your site and I link it to my weblog. so everyone here can also log on to your website.

    Hope to cu later in Korea. Keep in touch and take care.

    Cheers, Reiza


  4. Hi,….
    Gimana nih kabarnya? Ga pernah kedengaran lagi.
    Nice story Rei. It represents the real Reiza,…..(as usual he..he..he).
    I’m sorry to hear that you’re one of the flood victims in Cikarang.
    Good luck with your dreams. Everybody has their own path.


    M. Hendro P.


  5. Hi Munggang,

    I’m doing good. Never heard about me anymore? How come?!
    Well, thanks. It’s so me, no? As always.
    Yeah, thnks for the sympathy. Which dreams? I know I have too many dreams at once. Rite, everyone has their own path.

    Please come again and leave another comments.

    Cheers, Reiza


  6. Adel,

    Is that you?! The one who won the Bayer Young Environmental Envoy 2006 trip to Leverkusen?! My competitor:-) well, I could be different but not in all ways. Am I so inspiring as a simpe young man? Did I inspire you too? In what way? I hope in positive way. Well, keep coming to my weblog. Greetings to your family.

    Cheers, Reiza


  7. Hey Rei… As u ask I just open ur website… Nice story… Even u don’t write down ur profile, I can know who u are… Optimistic person, hard worker, crazy thinker…

    perhaps can make something un usual become usual, something out of mind become reality…

    Nice Dude..!!


  8. Gede,

    Thanks a lot for your comment. I will keep improving myself and develop my skills and abilities. Well, I will write down my profile more on this page. So not only you know about me, but also other visitors.

    Well, I change a lil bit recently. I can’t make something unusual become usual anymore. Now, I make something usual become unusual! How about that:-)

    Thanks anyway. Please come again.



  9. Wah cvnya impressive banget,

    Dulu ada anak dari President University magang di kantor saya Wimar Witoelar’s InterMatrix Communications (PR Firm). Tipenya juga kaya mas reiza gitu, ambisius dan bahasa inggrisnya execellent hehehehe.

    Waktu itu saya sempat nemenin Pak Wimar waktu beliau jadi pembicara di President University. Bagus banget gedung dan lingkungannya 🙂


  10. Rizka,

    please dong ah..masak sich keket, disamaain kaya saya?!? males dech ihh.no kidding. well, i think khaterine is a girl of potential. she was lucky to do her internship in IMX.

    Dia tuch beruntung banget bisa dekat dan intim dengan WW, by the way, jawab komen ini duduk disamping keket loh. Katanya Rizka ngga dateng ya waktu acara di PU?? bener nggaa?? dio konfirm ya.

    Gedung sama lingkungannya bagus? lha wong kemarin saya tinggal di belakang gedung PU kena banjir? Khatrina aja rumahnya juga kena banjir? menghina atau memuji? 2-2 nya juga nda apa2, lha wong kita juga tinggal di pinggiran. Cikarang gitu loh

    Salam maniesz,

    note..kok mirirp2 ya nama kita?


  11. Reiza,

    Ich bin sehr erstaunt, dass Du schon viele Erfahrungan gesammelt hast. Ich wünsche Dir noch viel Erfolg bei deinem professionelle Leben. Hoffentlich können wir weiter befreunden.

    Grüsse, Beny.


  12. Cool CV…

    I always hear your name at campus although we didn’t know each other…

    when i saw your name card in reception desk, i was so interest to know more about your profile.. And after i read your CV here…
    That’s so amazing… Those story is inspired me to be more improve…

    We do the same way although im not so expert than you.. Still have learn..
    Hmm, do you join to charity club???
    Hmm, im the head of CommDev in Charity, maybe you can guide me..


  13. Dear reiza,

    Ternyata…. Waktu ketemu lo di Paris, gue pikir lo anaknya diem dan introvert (sebenernya sih wajar, gue bandingin lo ama andre yang nggak bisa diem gitu loch…). Tapi setelah gue baca cv lo, sekarang gue pikir lo cuma bersikap down to earth. Good, keep it that way. Kemaren sempet ketemu sama banyak orang hebat juga di UNESCO, tapi cuma sedikit dari mereka yang bener2 low profile. Sayang sekali. Jadi pesen gue, tetep jaga hati ya Za.



  14. Dear Reiza…

    Subhanallah… Membaca CV Anda, saya seolah menemekan mutiara diantara tumpukan pasir. Saya seusia Anda, Saya juga sempat menoreh beberapa prestasi dalam beberapa perlombaan Karya Tulis Ilmiah ketika kuliah, tapi tidak sehebat Anda. Saat ini saya sangat tertarik mempelajari Bahasa Jerman, Sekarang saya dapat nilai 0 kalau ditest Bahasa Jerman. Saya punya mimpi untuk S2 ambil Jurusan Teknik Mesin di Germany, so saya harus prepare bahasa dari sekarang. Sudihkan Anda berbagi Ilmu dalam mempelajari Bahasa Jerman kepada saya?

    Mohon berbagi ilmu dan strateginya. Tengkiyu…

    Teruslah bermimpi… Hidup itu memang mengejar impian.

    Best Regards,


  15. Hi…Reiza,how r u? ur article is very interesting and completed…why r u so super, huh? the things u had done i have to carry out more than 25 years. thus u may contact with me 25 years later to check out the result!



  16. hi reiza, selamat ya buat ortu kamu, karena sudah berhasil mendidikmu jadi anbak yang membanggakan. saya punya 2 anak perempuan (11th) dan laki2 (9th). saya mau donk di bagi tips n trick beliau2 sehingga mereka bisa menjadikan reiza spt ini. saya mau tau bgmn menumbuhkan semangat/motivasi hidup, mencetak anak yang berbeda dari anak kebanyakan pada umumnya. sorry ya say….kata orang bijak berhasilnya seseorang itu karena keberhasilan ortunya mempola dan mengarahkan anaknya.nah keberhasilan reiza itu nanti kalau anak2mu bisa seperti kamu, berhasil menjadi orang sukses dilihat dan diukur dg parameter pada zaman anakmu ..
    ok….tolong tanyain ya, sama ayah bundamu gimana caranya mengarahkanmu dulu.kalo sekarang kan reiza sdh pintar tapi duluuuu gitu loh waktu kau masih jadi selembar kertas putih, nulisnya gimana??? apakah dengan penuh kelembutan dan kasih sayang, atau dengan cara stpdn (militer)


  17. Dear Shanty,

    I’ll be replying to your comments in a separate post box; and better if I write a new post to answer all of your questions..simple to make them clear and everyone can read. How about it? Thanks.

    Cheers, Reiza


  18. wadoh.. lagi searching internet for scholarship, gak tau nya nyasar ke blog Anda. jadi gak semangat nyari scholarship deh, abis kebayang saingannya muda2 n hebat kayak Reiza semua…. hicks… :p


  19. what a great life’s experiences!!
    i may want to ask you about few things…
    esp. how to make a good essay with certain topics.

    if you have any other information about confrence/seminars/just go abroad
    please inform me

    i really appreciate it




  20. Reiza..kayanya kamu neh calon presden RI …Amien
    aku mau minta tolong sama kamu..
    aku ibu dari 2 anak laki2..yang pertama masih smp kelas 1 di al azhar kembangan. Aku mau tanya apa ya website sms presiden..menurut kamu bagaimana sma presiden sekarang.
    Saya sedang dipusingkan dengan adanya UAn yang menurut saya sudah menjadi momok yang menakutkan tidak hanya pada murid tapi para orang tua. Saya mau tau banyak mengenai sma presiden neh…apa yang dijamin setelah lulus sma presiden..
    kamu bisa kirim japri aja



  21. zha zha kupanggil dirinya, dan dia menjawab … ggrrookkk (tolong tiup lilinnya), lah, sopo yg ultah? hmm…biar zha zha bisa ditangkap diwujud aslinya, hehehe, tebak tebak…!!!

    jawaban : (baca dr belakang) ibab tepegn


  22. Please kindly I need your contact number for further information. Right now I havneede a responsibility from a company to run their CSR program.

    Thank you,


  23. Hi Riza,

    If you need my contact details, please simply click “contact me” page. you can email me for further question. Thanks a lot for coming to my blog. Hope to read from you again later.




  24. Dear everyone and all readers,

    Thank you very much for visiting, reading and posting comments on my weblog. I thank you also for all your supports and constant visits. My blog had hit 20,000 visitors and I am very happy about it. Thank you again and please come again and post some more comments.


    Mohammad Reiza


  25. heii..
    i’m a senior high school student now, and your profile really do inspiring me to be ‘someone’ someday.. i intended to take President University scholarship test next year, wish me luck!

    best regards,


  26. Hehe, makasih y kak atas comment dan kunjungannya ke blog saya yang jelek itu 🙂 . Jangan kapok ya mampir k blog saya, bakal banyak postingan menarik d tentang PU dan yang lain.

    Terus berjuang y kak, buat terus menjadi lebih baik, kami adik2mu terus mendukungmu (hehe, sok bgt dah gw). btw, mw tukeran link d blog g kak, biar koneksinya makin gampang. Terima kasih …

    Best Regard,

    Aditya Hadi Pratama
    IT 2006


  27. Halo Aditya,

    Begini caranya, kamu coba tulis semua artikel tentang kehidupan di pu, misalnya: kehidupan mahasiswa di asrama, kegiatan sehari-hari mahasiswa di kelas dan lainya yang dapat membantu meningkatkan nama baik pu melalui e-news – dunia maya. nanti dikirimkan aja ke emailku di mohammadreiza@yahoo.de

    kebetulan sekarang aku membantu di media & communication, lebih spesifiknya di website news and events. Semua artikel yang masuk ke kantor M&C akan diedit sebelum diupload ke website PU.

    terima kasih sudah berminat untuk membantu meng-update (indo: memutakhirkan) website kita.




  28. Owh, musti yg baik2 y kak, hehe … tenang deh k. Insya Allah ntar ana kirim klo ada ide yg bagus. Terima kasih atas idenya y kak

    Best Regard,

    Aditya Hadi


  29. Hmmm … awalnya lagi googling info tempat kuliah di cikarang dan nyari2 info di PU sih, eh gak tahunya nemu motivator yg isi tulisannya menegaskan kalo pendidikan itu penting, jadi ya gak ada salahnya juga sy save link nya …

    Nama sy Yulfiawan, sekarang udah kerja di Samsung

    sukses ya


  30. Hi Yulfi,

    Makasih dah mampir lagi dan ngasih komen, aku edit nanti nama link ke weblognya. Iya, kalau menurutku, pendidikan itu penting, itu kan memang sumber dari semua pembangunan meskipun bukan satu-satunya sektor yang mampu mendukung pembangunan, gitu:-)

    Terus menulis dan sering-sering mampir kesini ya..




  31. have a great job…..

    working for better community, let’s civilized our community….

    working in NGO also, it will be a great and amazing networking for us….(www.bintarifoundation.org)

    warm regard,


  32. Hi there,

    thanks alot for the compliments. Yes, let’s educate our community for a better civilization. I have checked your website and I have linked it on ‘education’ link on the right-hand side of this blog. Sure it will be a good networking for us..




  33. “My blog had hit 20,000 visitors and I am very happy about it” … wooww.. fantastic… i hope will be a great person like u “OM Reiza”…

    Best Regard,


  34. Hi Daffa,

    thanks a lot for coming to my weblog and post a comment. I am glad about it. I have visited your blog too but I dont know your name, could you tell me? so I can link your blog to mine.

    I will take that as a compliment. hope you are growing up as a smart, great and obedient person for your parents.


    ‘Om Reiza’


  35. Dear all readers and visitors,

    thank you for coming and visiting my blog. I am very happy, as today, after the opening of the 2008 Beijing Olympics on 888-888, my blog just happened to hit 25,000.

    I thank you for all your supports and comments, keep coming and dropping some more comments here..


    Mohammad Reiza


  36. Assalamu’alaikum Reza,

    Saya ibu dari anak2 yang seusia Reza, saya senang Reza
    punya kepribadian baik dan pandai. Alangkah bahagianya orang tua Reza. Mudah2an Reza dapat memanfaatkan ilmu dan kepandaian Reza untuk kepentingan umat.
    Wass Wr.
    Ibu Etty Barus
    di Jakarta


  37. God, I am amazed by your CV. Right now I am in my 5th semester of Mass Communication and I am looking for some interns. Your story motivates me. God, I still couldn’t believe in such age and those accomplishments.
    I thank you for not giving up and motivating people by your life.
    God bless you.


  38. Hi Reiza, you are already be my contacts on my Xing. Nice to read more about you, still young but full energy and ambisius.

    Great I hope Indonesia have more young man like you, could be our country have better life then now.

    Good luck!

    Evi Arbay


  39. hai kak..
    aku skrg klas 3 smp..
    lg nyari SMA..
    pengen tw tentang info beasiswa di SMA presiden nih,,
    ada web nya gag y?
    abis dcari d google ga nemu..

    thx b4..


  40. Assalamu Alaikum Wr.Wb.
    Reiza, after read about you, I’m sure that U are ferfect man, ferfect worker, and ferfect in everything. may I share with you for everything?. thanks B-4.


  41. hi there! there was just too many articles, and its late at night.. im sorry but i really cant be bother to read all your articles. but anyway, if im not wrong, i read before that you worked in korea??
    im actually about to enter president university this year, im taking visual communication design. i got my scholarship already.. and i am recently hit a by a major fan wave of korea. can you tell me more about that country. thank you so much… ill be waiting for your reply. Gbu


  42. hei, great job. reiza masih hutang seporsi belut goreng lho. bet you never remember about it. hehehe. selamat deh pokoknya, aku dah ga bisa ngomong inggris lagi neh. entar anakku aja biar punya semangat kayak reiza. he’s 2 years old now.
    cheers for the good time at IALF magazine. if you know about helen or iyan, let me know. see u


  43. Subhanallah…mas ini ternyata luar biasa sekali ya…smg mas sllu sehat dan sllu bahagia juga semakin sayang dan disayangi oleh orang orang yg terdekat di hati mas


  44. Hi Reiza

    Happy birthday!

    I hope all is well and that you are working hard as always.

    Wish I get the chance to see u soon.

    Good luck with all

    Hati hati



    • Hi Martin,

      Thank you for the birthday wish!
      I am so glad to read your comment in my blog. Thanks also for visiting. I miscalculated the visitor numbers though (lol)…

      I wish that I get the chnace to see you again soon in Copenhagen. I’d love to visit Tivoli this time.

      Please extend my greetings to your family and friends there!

      Take care.



  45. well, I’m interested in joining The UN Internship programme based in Jakarta. Could you please tell me the procedure how to join it? Thanks a lot for your suggestion, regards


  46. I notice that I am not listed as a friend so i don’t know if this will appear… but i thought i’sd say it is a great looking blog… Id like to know how you obtained it and filled it so quickly.. Good job Reisa
    Terry Hackett


    • Hi Terry,

      I have no clue at all how people can be friends in this blog, I will figure that out. I am not too advanced to know that hi-tech stuff, but I’m learning.

      Well, It’s been years since 2006 that I’m writing here, so I guess this is my medium of expressing my thoughts. How to buy a domain, you just need to follow the steps provided in your account setting of wordpress, it was easy and only took me less than 5 minutes.

      Thanks, keep visiting and posting comments, and don’t forget to rate some of the posts and pages.



  47. Thanks i’ll do that I have a few WordPress accounts at present for the various areas of my research .. all works in progress…. so none finished .. unfortunately..
    I’m trying to gte all my loose ends finished before Im off to Jkt again in May… but don’t know how well ill be able to do it … but I will keep it going
    Your work is so prolific.. mine is stop and start at present.. what holds me up is the research beforehand…. the location of material the reading of sometimes hundreds of pages of documents…. anyway back to it now
    Keep on being prolific


  48. Hi dear Reiza, i was there! i gave a look to your website and like all the things you do it is very interesting, full of comments and datails. Tell me when you will put new pics!


  49. @ Terry: thanks again for the very encouraging comments. I will keep on being prolific 🙂 [will do my best and hardest this time].

    @ Giando: let me know when you are coming down to Indonesia again; id you go to Bali recently?

    @ Dennis: thanks for visiting, hope you had great time in LA la?! 🙂 keep dancin’ keep rockin’!


  50. Pingback: 2010 in Review « Mohammad Reiza: up close and personal

  51. You are my senior.. i am student of PU now. Nice to meet u.
    You inspire me to have an extraordinary dream..

    anyway, may I repost one of your tips.?
    How come I can make my dream come true?,

    i have a dillema now T.T


    • Hello,

      I am glad that my blog has inspired you in some ways. And sure you may repost my tips. That’s the key to inspiration, that it is being retold! Know yourself and I believe yourself will later tell you, what is best to make your dream come true, for your self is the best adviser 🙂

      All the best.


  52. Lets go to the U.S Reiz, it will become wonderful experience as well. even though Europe more beautiful than U.S (but it depends on the state) hahaa,
    Anyway, I just gave a comment on your post about “internship at UNESCO office in Jakarta” I waiting for the announcement actually, and wanna ask something related to those activities during intership, just reached ur blog when i was googling.. 🙂


  53. Hanya 1 kata… . ( | | )
    _____ \ \ / /_____
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    (_____ ) _)__ B)__(_ (______)
    (__ ___) )”” |♊|””( (_ ____)
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    /_/ \_\
    😉 ♏♏♏ªªªªΠΠ†††ªªªªªpPpP(y)


  54. Hi kakak Reizaaaa, waah aku baru tau kalau kamu udah masuk TV segalaa… hebaat.. stay fabulous kakaaaakkk 🙂


  55. you look amazing mr..
    you could do something that some people could not do..
    I always imagine, if I can be like you..
    you can have many experiences for your languages, 
skills and competencies.
    what first and next step did you do to get your achievement ??


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