Golf Can Make Money for You


(Published in President University Newsletter in 2004)
Mohammad Reiza

Students of President University were lucky on Monday, March 29, 2004 because they had got a very special guest lecturer he is Mr. SD. Darmono, the Director of Jababeka. For about an hour and thirty minutes a seminar about “Selling Cikarang Golf Membership” had been conducted by him in the second floor of President University. Many students came and listened to his thought-provoking presentation. That is not that easy selling a hundred millions of Rupiah golf membership even though this membership has some advantages such as transferable and life-timed. Our beautiful General Manager, Miss Eleanor will give us 3% out of the total money we can afford. Isn’t tempting? Of course! But it requires very hard work and more importantly, never give up, catch the target. He explained that if we sell something, we have to completely understand what and how our products are in order to convince our costumers and persuade them to buy it. The easiest customers to be convinced are our parents. Why? Because they would feel guilty if they didn’t buy it so they eventually decided to purchase it. Now, come to your parents and offer them Cikarang Golf Membership.

About Mohammad Reiza

I first started blogging on wordpress in November 2006 that you can find at and later in January 2007 I added another blog at and I just recently added another blog in May 2013 at

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